In Loving Memory

To the best dad in the world, Eduard van Soolen, and to one of the five who this world shall also miss, our sister,
Eva van Soolen Allott

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Chapter 2: The Promise

Work seemed to be Scot's whole life in the following year. He would hardly sleep, ate peanut better sandwiches for dinner, skipped breakfast often times, and social life didn't exist. Scot had a goal and he was determined to reach it. Pain no longer mattered to Scot. What mattered to him more was his girls and getting them back home together. More importantly, his promise to Kelly was his bond and he was going to keep his promise to his little girl even if he died doing so.

It's a funny thing about words and promises. Words have no muscle unless you provide the muscle for them and yet they can break hearts if used lightly. Still, we disregard words as if they have no affect without realizing the backlash disregarded words have when they are returned to us. Scot made a promise to Kelly and to ignore his promise to her, Scot knew would not only break her heart but break his soul in sight of that broken heart.

Scot worked the night shift in the lab. Then he would go home for 5 hours of sleep to wake up in time to go to the shoe store and work as a salesman during the weeknights and on Saturdays during the day. During the weekend nights, Scot didn't have to go to the lab for work, so he would work at night cleaning floors for restaurants, offices and whatever other business needed floor cleaning. On Sundays, he attended church but then he would work in the yard for his mother in law to earn his keep.

In between things, Scot would comfort Sarah. Sarah was still in so much pain from the meningitis that she cried constantly. Only Scot could get Sarah to settle down. His arms were full of muscle and for Sarah, it was just the right amount of softness with a firm arm to make her comfortable. Sarah would fall asleep in her daddy's arms. Scot was glad that Sarah and Celeste could at least stay with their mom and dad. It helped Scot to take the edge away from missing his girls.

When Scot first realized the amount of debt that was going to have to be paid and then the amount of money that was going to be needed to find another home, it seemed as if it were an unclimbable mountain to shovel. At first, each day, he moved a pebble and then gained a boulder. He kept going and moving pebbles off the mountain. Soon, he was moving rocks with a shovel. Later he moved boulders until finally he moved an entire mountain. It took Scot over a year, but he finally reached his goal of paying off the debt.

Scot was finally able to rent a double wide trailer. It wasn't much, but Scot wanted to get his girls back as quickly as possible. As soon as the lease agreement was signed, he went immediately to get his girls back. He drove all night to get Kelly out of state.

Finally, he was there at Jill's house. He opened his car door and ran for the house and ranged the bell. Jill answered the door and her face turned into a glare. "Wait one moment and I will get Kelly."  Scot didn't care how Jill behaved towards him. He just wanted to get Kelly and go back home. What was an eternity to Scott was a few minutes before Kelly opened the front door. "DAD!"

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