In Loving Memory

To the best dad in the world, Eduard van Soolen, and to one of the five who this world shall also miss, our sister,
Eva van Soolen Allott

Monday, July 14, 2014

I Am the Author of My Life

I am the author of my life.
I claim all of my mistakes, for in them are opportunities
Opportunities of growth, wisdom, and experience as dictated by my choices.

I am the writer of my life.
I make my choices as an individual and reserve my right to think for myself
Even when I am wrong, it is better to be wrong than to do nothing at all.

I am the creator in my life.
I think, I create a masterpiece, a story of my life.
Critics have no room in my thoughts or my masterpiece.

I claim no one under the heavens the right to my life.
I owe to no one my life and make no excuses for my existence.
Neither am I responsible for society's whoas.

I answer to no one but to my God.
I am blessed of Him with inalienable rights to my life, liberty and to pursue my happiness.
And because of the Almighty, I am the author of my life.

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