In Loving Memory

To the best dad in the world, Eduard van Soolen, and to one of the five who this world shall also miss, our sister,
Eva van Soolen Allott

Friday, June 13, 2014

Who are the Newsie Girls?

I believe in using the K.I.S.S method to almost everything I do. (keep it simple stupid) That includes my writing. The story is simple. It's about 5 girls who lost their home and everything they had in a fire after the youngest one was born. Their broken hearted dad was forced to send the girls to different homes for a time until he was able to bring the family back together. The older girls swore they were never going to be separated again.

After a few years, their mom pulled some nasty stunts that forced their dad to have to leave the home. This was bad because it was their dad who took care of the girls while their mom would stay in her room all day, everyday and heaven forbid that any of the girls should want any attention. The writing on the wall was very clear to the young girls and they had to do something fast if they were going to keep their promise to each other that they were never going to be separated again.

Their mom was neglectful and would not clean, shop for food, pay bills or make sure that the girls were well educated. So,what could a group of young girls ranging from ages 9 to 14 do to make sure that the state would not come and put them in separate foster homes? Newspaper routes of course! Five courageous young girls quickly learned to work, to cook, take care of each other and love each other. They would wake every morning at 4 am to deliver papers which covered a huge part of the area they lived with an average of over 100 newspapers delivered by each girl. They then would come home, get themselves ready for school. Two of the girls had to be ready for the school bus as they were hearing impaired. Manage to stay awake during school, then come home and work some more to do things that mothers would otherwise do. When pay time came, the newsie girls managed to plan out their money for food, laundry and whatever else was needed. Along the way, these newsie girls had quite a lot of adventures including dogs, neighbors, haunted houses and strangers.

Several years later, 3 of the girls were finally able to go live with their dad and the other 2 stayed with their mom and moved to another state. Even though they did finally did split up, the lessons learned by these young girls were never forgotten and in their story is great wisdom. No matter what back ground you come from, no matter how bad things can get, you still have a choice.

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